Call for Abstracts
We welcome extended abstracts of up to two pages in length, including figures and references, on original and unpublished research related to the following areas:
- Data Analytics systems: Data management, integration, and curation, high performance computing, distributed systems
- Mathematical and statistical data analysis
- Mathematical principles of Deep Learning
- Machine learning
- Applications in Data Science
Possible topics for the extended abstracts include, but are not limited to:
- Systems support for data science, such as novel approaches for data cleaning, integration, data management and retrieval, parallel computing, networking
- Mathematics foundations of data science
- Advanced statistical models for data analysis
- Deep learning and its applications in various domains
- Theory approach to understanding deep neural networks of practical relevance
- Interactive visualization techniques for exploring and analyzing large-scale datasets
- Real-world applications of data science
- Privacy and security for data science
- Ethical and social implications of data science
The workshop will feature invited talks by leading researchers in the field, as well as oral and poster presentations of selected extended abstracts. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss their work with experts and peers, and to exchange ideas and experiences on novel trends in data science.
Submission Instructions:
Please submit your extended abstracts (2 pages) in PDF format through the EasyChair submission system at the following link: All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the program committee based on their originality, technical soundness, and relevance to the workshop's scope. The extended abstracts should be written in English and follow the CEUR-ART format (also available as Overleaf template).
Authors of accepted papers are invited to submit an extended version of their contribution after the workshop. It is planned to publish the post-proceedings of NTDS 2023 open access as CEUR workshop proceedings.